Higher-Powered Learning
We Invite You to Join Us!
We Empower Learning Through...
Our Mission: Personalizing Education, Empowering Teachers
Higher-Powered Learning is an initiative of the University of Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education. We empower Catholic school teachers and leaders to leverage technology and related innovative research-based educational practices to meet the needs of all learners. Through research, communication, and collaboration we aspire to be a trusted voice of support as we seek to innovate, strengthen, and transform Catholic schools.
Higher-Powered Learning's Approach
What is Blended Learning?
Blended learning is a model of education in which students "learn at least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace" (Horn and Staker). The “blend” in “blended learning” is the combination of the benefits of learning through adaptive software with the salient aspects of traditional schools to create an authentically new form of education. Blended learning is not simply using technology in the classroom.
What is Powered Learning? 
Through our experience working with educators and students, we have identified specific practices essential to personalizing education. We refer to these practices as Powered Learning. Powered Learning is “a form of learning in which students use adaptive software in a classroom setting to personalize their engagement with content, while teachers employ high-yield instructional practices and optimize their role by utilizing data from the software in regular and thoughtful ways to make targeted interventions” (Wills, 2015). Higher-Powered Learning's approach gives students the ability to work at their just-right levels while equipping teachers and leaders with actionable data in order to make targeted interventions and smart groupings. Adaptive software programs are intended to empower teachers and students and to drive more personalized, higher-order learning than would occur otherwise.
Higher-Powered Learning's Projects
The Higher-Powered Learning Network
The HPL Network is a partnership of Catholic school teachers and leaders whose goal is to provide a trusted exchange of connection and education for blended-learning practitioners and innovators. The HPL Network is free to join, and all HPL Network Members will have access to collaboration forums, software selection frameworks, and professional development resources.
Though there are a number of forums and spaces in which blended learning leaders and practitioners can gather to share best practices and collaborate, BLiCSS is the singular opportunity for leaders and teachers in Catholic education specifically to form a unified mission and vision for blended learning in Catholic schools and collaborate to share best practices from across our schools.
To fill this need, we created the Blended Learning in Catholic Schools Symposium with two goals in mind:
To gather thought leaders in the blended-learning space with an explicit connection to Catholic schools to share ideas, bright spots, and challenges.
To develop our shared capacity to implement high-quality blended learning in Catholic schools.
BLiCSS 1.0 (2018) - Los Angeles, CA
BLiCSS 2.0 (2019) - Chicago, IL
BLiCSS 3.0 (2020) - Virtual
BLiCSS 4.0 (2021) - Virtual
BLiCSS 5.0 (2022) - New Orleans, LA
BLiCSS 6.0 (2023) - Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
The eighth annual Blended Learning in Catholic Schools Symposium (BLiCSS 8.0) will be held April 2-4, 2025, at the University of Notre Dame's campus.
"Networking with like minded individuals who fill a variety of roles in the blended-learning space was a priceless opportunity. I walked away with actionable "do now" steps that can help drive blended-learning forward in our building."
- BLiCSS 6.0 Attendee
BLAST Partnerships
Since 2015, Higher-Powered Learning has worked directly with Catholic schools to implement and sustain blended learning initiatives. We empower a school's BLAST (Blended Learning Advancement and Strategy Team) to be pioneers in implementing Blended Learning, instructional leaders for their colleagues, and champions of these ideas, spreading them across the school.
Partnering with Higher-Powered Learning start and sustain a blended learning initiative through our BLAST model has three primary components:
- HPL Fundamentals Module Access. The first step toward effective technology implementation in classrooms is establishing a common language for blended learning. HPL's Fundamentals Module, a series of online videos and resources developed by the HPL team, guides BLAST members to understand the fundamentals of blended and powered learning. These lessons explain HPL’s approach to personalized learning, define blended learning, share the most effective models of blended learning, and detail the best practices surfaced through Fr. Nate Wills’s research on Powered Learning.
- BLAST Administrator Support. Higher-Powered Learning seeks to empower school administrators to implement and sustain a blended-learning initiative for years to come. Therefore, equipping on-site school administrators with the knowledge and skills to implement blended learning is an essential step toward sustainability. Through regular Zoom calls with the HPL team, a small group of school administrators/instructional coaches tasked with implementing blended learning (BLAST administrators) will learn and implement the HPL framework for blended learning.
- SYNC Calls. We know from research that for learning to be effective, it must tailored to your school context, structured to build deep understanding, informed by feedback, and rooted in a learning community. These SYNC (Synergize Your New Competencies) calls will provide an opportunity for BLAST members to collaborate with each other and with the HPL team.
If you are interested in learning more about Higher-Powered Learning's BLAST Partnerships, complete the short form below and a member of the HPL team will contact you.
Professional Development with HPL
Notre Dame's Higher-Powered Learning team offers onsite and online professional development. These sessions integrate theory and practical strategies, ensuring that educators feel equipped to leverage education software to meet the needs of all students.
PD sessions blend keynote presentations with dynamic workshops. Educators leave with a foundational understanding of how educators can leverage technology and the data it provides to differentiate learning.
Let Notre Dame's HPL team ease the burden of planning professional development. Our team will seamlessly execute PD for you and your staff, with all materials, pre- and post-surveys, and logistical planning included.
Prospective Workshop Topics:
- Why Blended and Personalized Learning
- Models of Blended Learning in Catholic Schools
- Navigating Adaptive Software and Education Technology
- Generative AI for Teachers, Students, and Schools
- Using Data to Inform Instruction
Past HPL Projects
The Higher-Powered Learning Team
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the program or our website, please contact our team at hpl@nd.edu. We look forward to hearing from you!
Since 2015, Higher-Powered Learning has empowered Catholic school teachers and leaders to leverage technology and related innovative research-based educational practices to meet the needs of all learners.
Ready to Power-Up Learning?
Download our "7 Strategies to Power-Up Learning" Ebook to get started! Complete the form below to get your copy.