Latino Educator and Administrator Development Program
Program Timeline
LEAD is a year-long leader formation program designed to form, advance, and retain Latino educators in Catholic education by providing professional development and community mentorship rooted in Catholic faith.
The year officially begins with a virtual orientation in July. Starting in August and continuing through May, participants meet monthly with a professional learning community led by one of our LEAD mentors. Before each meeting, participants complete an online module that includes readings, reflection questions, and supplemental resources.
Participants will gather for the first time in person at the LEAD fall retreat. The fellowship culminates in a closing conference on campus at the University of Notre Dame the July following their initial orientation.
LEAD participants are expected to attend the virtual orientation, all monthly meetings, the mid-year retreat, and the closing conference. At the closing conference, participants receive a certificate of professional growth points for their participation in LEAD.
Below is the LEAD fellowship at a glance.

We are committed to making the LEAD year-long formation experience as affordable as possible. LEAD participants pay a one-time $700 program fee. Additionally, participants are expected to cover their own travel expenses for the closing conference at the University of Notre Dame.
While the actual expenses for a LEAD participant are much greater, thanks to philanthropic support we are able to ask LEAD participants to pay $700. This fee goes toward the cost of books and materials, ongoing support from a LEAD mentor via monthly virtual meetings, lodging and meals for the mid-year retreat and summer conference.
For further financial support, we recommend contacting your local educational agency (LEA) to inquire about the possibility of using Title II or Title III funds to pay for LEAD.
If you have any questions about the cost or about using Title funds to pay for LEAD, contact LEAD Coordinator Jocelyn Smith (